Read / Watch / Listen
Hoopla Digital
Hoopla Digital offers audiobooks, eBooks, comics and manga, music, movies, TV, and more, all available 24/7 with no holds and no waiting. You can stream titles or download them for offline use. To get started, simply visit Hoopla or download the Hoopla app from your device’s app store, and sign in with your library card. Your PIN is your last name.
OverDrive Ebooks & Audiobooks
Read ebooks and digital magazines and listen to eaudiobooks on your mobile device, tablet, or computer with your library card. We offer a great OverDrive collection for you to explore and find your next great read through the Blue Ridge Download Consortium. Get the Libby app for iOS and Android devices. You can even send and read your borrowed ebooks to your Kindle ereader!
Be sure to login when using Libby as you will not get to see everything available unless you login before searching. Your PIN is your last name.
Access Video: Just for Kids
Enjoy TV shows like Arthur, Sesame Street, Odd Squad, SciGirls, and much more, including: read-along storybooks and learning videos to explore topics like reading, writing, math, arts and science.
Dial a Story
Dial a Story -- Call 833-690-0646 (toll free) to hear a story read in both English and Spanish. Each Wednesday, a new story will be available to listeners around the state. A service of the Library of Virginia Library Development and Networking Division.
Magzter offers you unlimited digital magazine access with your library card. If you prefer to take these magazines on the go, download the Magzter Library App for iOS and Android devices.
*When signing in, please enter Rapp before your library card number.
Example: Rapp0000
NoveList Plus
Can’t decide what to read next? Need a recommendation for a child, student, or family member? Use NoveList to discover your next favorite author, series, or title!
NoveList Plus K-8
Looking for your next great read for your child? Use NoveList K-8 to discover your new authors, series, or titles!